Computer is a machine who take data as a input for solving problem of user after process give output. Computer software and hardware are the two parts of computer. The part which we can see, touch and physical are hardware and which part we can not touch are software.
Here all chapter wise test of computer are available for the help of teachers and students:
chapter wise test papers for class 11 computer science
- Chapter One
- Two
- Three
Test for Chapter One
Paper Computer Class 11th CHAPTER ONE
1). Which of the following is NOT type of Printer. A. LASER b. Inkjet c. Impact d. Flatpad
2. Laser Printer is an example of. A. Non-Impact b. Impact c. Inkjet d. Dot matrix
3. Which is used for playing Games: a. style b. Joystick c. Track pad d. None
4. Which is Faster printer is. A. Laser b. Inkjet c. Dot matrix d. Daisy
5. Speaker is a device : a. Input b. Output c. Storage d. None
6. How many bits are in 1 byte. A. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 3
7. A collection of raw facts and figure is: a. Data b. Information c. Both d. None
8. CPU is an example of :
Software b. hardware c. Language d, Computer
1). What is VGA? 2. Define Mouse? 3. Write a short Note on Joystick? 4. Write a short note on Plotter and also write its types name? 5. Differ between system software and Application softwre? 6. What is Printer? 7. Define LCD? 8.Write a short Note on SDLC? 9. Deffer data and Information?
10. How many bits from one Byte? 11. What is Digital camera? 12. Differ b/w System software and Application Software? 13. Write a short note on information Technology?
LONG) What is Non-Impact printer and also explain its types with detail?
2. What is Computer and also explain its primary components with detail and Diagrams?
Test For chapter Two
1. Each
computer on network is called : a. Node b. Link c. Code d. Mode
2. which of
the following is not category of Network: a. LAN b. WAN c. NAN d. MAN
3. Which
network cover a large area: a. LAN b. WAN
c. NAN d. MAN
4. Which of
the following topology used Router: a. Bus b. Ring c. Mesh d. Band
5. OSI
reference model has Layers: a. 4 b. 7 c. 5 d. 9
6. Which of
the following is spreadsheet software:\ a. LOTUS 123 b. MS Exel c. a and b d. Word
7. Which of
the following is De Facto standard:
a. SNA b. ANSI c. ISO d. IEEE
8. The
service on the internet is include:
a. WWW b. FTP c. E-Mail d. All
Q:2: Short
questions 1. Differ b/w Intranet and Extranet? 2. What
is NIC? 3. Write down an two advantages of ring topology? 4. Differ b/w Client
and Server? 5. What do you know about Peer-to-Peer to Model? 6. What is
Gateway? 7. What do you know about TCP/IP? 8.What is Internet? 9. Define OSI
Model and write its Layres Names? 10.
What is WAN and also write its example?
11. Write a short Note on Hybrid
Model? 12. Write a short Note on HTTP?
13. What is computer network?
Q: 1. What
Star Topology. Write down its advantages , Disadvantages working and also make
Diagram? Q:2. Differ Between LAN and
WAN with Detail?
Test for chapter Three
Most commonly used LAN protocol: a. Ethernet b. Token Ring c. ARCnet
7. A collection of related web pages is called:
a. Linking b. Uploading c. Downloading d. Wed site
8. Which is the following is communication
a. USB b. Router c. STP d. Ethernet
9. IN which topology Terminator is used: a. Star b. Bus c. Ring d. Mesh
10. Which of the following is NOT category of
a. LAN b. MAN c. NAN d. WAN
11. Frequency is Measured in: a. Seconds b. Bps c. Hertz d. Amps
12. How many code in Unicode is represent:
a. 10000 b. 28726 c. 65536 d. 256
13. Which of the following is NOT communication
a. Twisted Pair b. Coaxial cable c. Microwave d. Modem
14: Select Unguided Media: a. Coaxial b. Fiber optic c. Satellite d. Twisted pair
15. BCD stand for: a. Byte code Decimal b. Base Coded Decimal
c. Binary Coded Decimal d.
Bidirectional Code Decimal
SHORT QUESTION) D/W between Digital signal and
Analog Signal? 2. D/W between parallel and Serial Transmission? 3. D/W between asynchronous and Synchronous?
4. D/W between audio and video? What do
you know about the Baseband?5.What is Modem? 6. Write a short Note BCD?
7.Differ b/w Encoder and Decoder? 8. What is communication Sttalite? 9. Write
the use of fax modem? 10. What do you know about Full- Duplex Modem? 11/ Define
Unicode? 12. Differ b/w Frequency and Amplitude? 13. Differ b/w Source and
LONG) What is data transmission Mode and also
write a complete Note on its types?
2. What is Guided media and also write a
complete Note on its types?
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