
class 11 computer science important questions

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class 11 computer science important questions

Click here any chapter for your help and check its important questions.

  • Chapter One
  • Two 
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five 
  • Six
  • Seven
  • Eight 
  • Nine
  • Ten

computer 11th

Important Questions Chapter Number Seven

. Which of the following is not type of page margin:     a. Left        b. right        c.Center

6. Which of the following is Not graphical user Interface:     a. DOS        b. Linux        c. Unix    d. Al

7. The file can exist but folder can not folder exists in:      a. Files      b. Folder        c. Paths  

8. GUI is:      a. Graphical User Interface     b. Graphic use Icons     c. General user Icons

9. Which of the following is mouse event:      a. Click      b. Right Click     c. Double Clik       d. All

10. Which of the following is keyboard event:    a. Key up     b. Key Down       c. Both A and B

1). Define Operating System?      2. What do you know about GUI?      3. What is Desktop?   4. Define Plug and Play? 5. What is Control Panel? 6. Differ b/w primary partition and Extended partition? 7. What is print Queue? 8. What is Multitasking? 9. What is clipboard? 10. What is window explorer? 11. What is Command line Interface? 12. Write any two events of keyboard? 13. What is my documents folder?

LONG)   1. What is GUI and also explain its types with Detail?     


Important Questions Chapter Number Eight

1). Which of the is an example of a font weight:   a. Bold      b. Italic      c. 12pt     d.All

2. A font is describe by its:     a. Typeface     b. All       c.Height         d. Presentation

3. Which mode replaces the existing text:   a. replace      b. Insert        c. Overtype       d.All

4. All of the following are text alignment option in MS word except: a. left     b.Right     c.Center    d.Top

5. Which of the following is not a type of page of margin:   a. Center      b.Left       c.Right       d.Top

6. How many orientation types are MS word:     a. one       b.two        c.three      d.four

7. Which menu is used to insert page numbers in documents: a.insert     b. Tools     c. Formats    d.All

8. Tables are used to display:     a. Data      b. Text        c.Graphics        d.All

9. ……………. Function key is used for help:     a.F1         b.F2       c.F3    d.All

10. The maximum zoom of MS-Word documents is:     a.200%       b.500%        c.700%      d.All


1). What is column?    2.What is Table?       3. Name any four shapes provided by word?     4. How macro in MS Word is helpful for us?    5. What is Word Art in Ms-Word?    6. What is Word Art inserted in documents?   What is header and footer in Word?    8. Give an example of serif and sans-serif font?   9. Write any two ways to insert textbox in Word?    10. What is page formatting?

Most Important Questions chapter number Nine and Ten

MCQs. 1. Formula can only be applied on  .       a. Values            b. Lables              c, Tital         d. None

2. A work book is a group of :                     a, Table           b. Sheet         c. Lables              d. None

3. Which of the following is an absolute address:        a. A1          b. $A1              c. A$1           d. $A$1

4. How many sheets are contained in workbook by default:     a. 3      b. 6         c. 2         d. 7

5. WWW Launched:       a. 1980           b. 1985            c. 1989          d. 1992

6. Symbol that are used in e-Mail:        a. %          b. &         c. #         d.@

7. A web page is written in:       HTTP         b. HTML          c. TCP          d. None

8. How many types of addressing scheme;       a. 2         b. 4         c. 6        d. 7

9. PTCL is a :        a. Net          b. ISP          c. WWW          d. Google

10. Web is also called:           a. WWW          b. Google          c. PTCL           d. ISP

SHORT QUESTIONS) 1./ What is Web server? 2. What is Search Engine? 3. List any 4 ISP’s used In Pakistan? 4. Define HTTP? 5. What is Web browsing? 6. What is Cell? 7. Define Spread sheet? 8. What do you know about 3-D sheet? 9. Define cell address? 10. Differ b/w function and formula? 


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