
computer programming languages

A programming language is a collection of words, codes and symbols that are use to write a program. Various types programming language are use to solve a various types programs. Some are use business and some for special purpose. There are two types of programming language are high level language and low level language.

computer programming languages

Two kinds of computer language are as follow:
  • High level language
  • Low level language

java language


A language that is easy to understand for a computer and difficult for a human is low level language. This language is difficult to understand for user. Two major types of low level language are machine language and assembly language.

Machine Language

In machine language the instruction are written in binary form. Binary form are 1,0,1, shape. It is the only one low level language that is computer understand easily and quickly. It is also called the Native language of computer.
Machine language is a computer language that is way its execution speed is very fast. Machine language is a First generation language. It is difficult to understand for user. Machine language takes more time. Every computer has its personal machine language.

Assembly Language

A type of low level language that is one step higher than machine language is known Assemble language. This type of low level language is use special symbol instead of binary codes. These codes are known Mnemonics.
For example, for writing a Subtraction user use sub and addition use add. Assembly language is also known Second generation language.



High level language

A type of computer language that is easy to understand for human and difficult to understand for computer language is known high level language. High level language write into simple English words like a put,output and scan etc. It is easy to use and maintain for user. User can change this language easily. It is further divide into following categories:
For Complete information of Procedural Language CLICK HERE


Object-Oriented Language

It is a technique that is use to object and tools for writing a programs. Object is a some thing in real world like a thing, place and person. It is easy to learn and use. Two major examples of this language are C++ and Java. Some features of Object language are as follow:
  • Polymorphism is use for multiple ways.
  • This language provide the facility of hide important data from unauthorized user.
  • It is provide the facility to reuse data and code and also use to existing code to create new programs.
  • This is also design the groups or classes. It sub divide into codes for easier.
  • And it also use objects. Objects is entity means person,place or anything.


First time C++ introduce in Bell at 1980. It is a improve version of C language. C++ is now a days is most powerful language and programs are available in varieties of styles. 


Sun Microsystems develop java language. This language provide the facility of graphical user interface. Java is a high level language.

Non-Procedural Language

In fourth generation language only needs tells computer and what to do not how to do. This language is normally use in database and report. Non-procedural language is also known fourth generation language. SQL and RPG are two major examples of Non-procedural language.


It is the most popular database query language. IBM develop Structure Query language. It is national standard of ANSI. ANSI is the complete name of American National Standard Institute.


Report Program Generator is the complete name of RPG. In 1960, it develop. Report Program Generator is a Non-procedural language.

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